Your audience is waiting.

Get ready for a successful song release, build a presence through your artist profile, and connect with fans across the globe.

Introduce yourself to fans.

Keep your image fresh across Apple Music and Shazam.


Personalize your artist bio with a Q&A section.

Breaking It Down

View Your Releases and Add Lyrics

Upload your lyrics so fans can follow along.

Generate buzz with pre-adds.

Let listeners pre-add music from your next release to their library or playlists before it comes out.

Make sure your future fans can find you.

Manage access to your artist page.

Set your team up with the right access so they’re ready to support you and your release.

Take the first step with the right distributor.

Choose an Apple-preferred partner.

Get up to speed on the distribution process.

More to explore.

Grow your audience the right way.

Make cover art that hits the right note.

Get to know the world of music publishing.