
Claim your artist page

Understand your audience, promote your music, add lyrics, and customize your Apple Music artist page — all with Apple Music for Artists. Find out how your fans react to songs and albums, as well as where you’re getting the most plays all in an easy-to-use interface. 

Claim your artist page by requesting access

Ready to get started with Apple Music for Artists? Claim your artist page from either the Apple Music for Artists iOS app or website. Your content must be live on Apple Music for at least five business days to claim your artist page. Don‘t have an artist page on Apple Music yet? Learn how to get your music distributed.

To claim your page, we have to verify your identity or relationship to the artist or band. When confirming your identity, provide as much information as possible, including any available distributor connections, personal websites, and other media accounts to help us quickly review your application.

Note that only artists or artist managers can claim an artist page. If you are a label representative looking to join an artist’s Apple Music for Artists profile, work directly with your artist to have your request reviewed or to be added as a user. If no artist or artist manager admin actions your request for 30 days, your request will expire.

How to claim your artist page in the iOS app

  1. Sign in to the Apple Music for Artists app with your Apple Account. Download the Apple Music for Artists app, or create an Apple Account if you have not already.
  2. Tap Request Artist Access, and copy and paste your iTunes Store artist page link to search. To find the link to your artist page, input your artist name or the name of one of your albums in the search field. You can find a link to your content or artist page in Apple Music or the iTunes Store by taking these steps:
    1. Select the item, then tap the More button.
    2. Choose Share, then choose Copy.
    3. Paste your copied artist page or album link in the Find an Artist field of your application.
  3. Select one of your albums to ensure you are claiming the correct page. You must have the primary artist role on the album to successfully claim your artist page. If you are a featured artist, you will not be able to claim the account.
  4. Choose your role (Artist, Manager, or Label Rep), then fill out the requested application fields.

For faster verification, sign in to your social media or distributor accounts. The more information you provide, the easier it will be to verify your relationship to the artist.

How to claim your artist page on the web

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  1. Sign up for Apple Music for Artists and create an Apple Account if you have not already.
  2. Tap Request Artist Access, and copy and paste your iTunes Store artist page link to search. To find the link to your artist page, input your artist name or the name of one of your albums in the search field. You can find a link to your content or artist page in Apple Music or the iTunes Store by taking these steps:
    1. Select the item, then click the More button.
    2. Choose Share, then choose Copy Link.
    3. Paste your copied artist page or album link in the Find an Artist field of your application.
  3. Select one of your albums to ensure you are claiming the correct page. You must have the primary artist role on the album to successfully claim your artist page. If you are a featured artist, you will not be able to claim the account.
  4. Choose your role (Artist, Manager, or Label Rep), then fill out the requested application fields.

For faster verification, sign in to your social media or distributor accounts. The more information you provide, the easier it will be to verify your relationship to the artist.

How to check your application

When your artist claim is in review, you will see the status ”Pending” in Apple Music for Artists. You will receive updates regarding your application via email.

Next steps: manage access to your page

Once you have been accepted and your Apple Music for Artists account is up and running, it’s up to you to review all additional access requests. These could be requests for access from your management, label, and others who might work on projects with you. Artists and artist managers with Admin access are responsible for reviewing additional access requests. For more information, learn how to manage access to your artist page.